Our Services
Many businesses take care of their own security requirements by means of CCTV, alarms and other surveillance equipment. However, such measures can often prove ineffective and costly; cameras and alarms rarely prevent crimes and have the added expense of maintenance and repair, being subject to vandalism. The most cost effective deterrent against crime is to provide manned security, particularly trained security dogs and handlers, to routinely and randomly patrol business premises and property. As well as routine security patrols, we also offer randomised protection, such as mobile patrols, and regular services, such as locks and unlocks.

With all services provided, we work closely with the police to ensure that the highest level of protection is given to both customers and our staff. With the rising threat levels of crime and terrorism in the UK, we have made it a priority to be up to date with all new legislation and to make all customers and staff aware of the current risks within our industry.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss your security requirements. We would be happy to meet with you on site to assess your needs and provide a free, non-obligatory quote.